Sunday 18 April 2021

Mace and Indian clubs

Indian clubs and maces are an ancient training tool that has seen a recent resurgence. This is due not just to the cool factor, but their use in shoulder strength and mobility training. In full disclosure I haven’t quite worked these into my training since I’m always short on time; however I would like to work them in as a shoulder warm up/full workout.

To build the maces and clubs I bought two cheap spin-lock barbells on sale. I bought a 5ft and a 6ft with the plan to cut them down for two Indian clubs and a mace or two. I took them to the engineering shop next to work where they cut the bars down to 2x 590mm, 1x1000mm and 1x1200mm. They then welded some round stop ends to prevent the bar from slipping out of my hands when using them. I gave these a quick coat of silver zinc and my new Indian clubs and maces were ready to go.

Note the round stop end for the grip and spinlocks for the weights.
I chose the sizing based on an estimated size for the Indian clubs and the length for the longest mace. The longest mace is sized similar to the Shoulderrok so the the weight lands below your butt when swinging it. The shorter mace could run into your butt while swinging, but that's just how the sizing worked out.

You could adjust the position of the weight closer to the hands.
This worked out as an incredibly cheap way to get four plate loaded clubs/maces that wouldn’t see a huge amount of use. I wouldn’t suggest this for a commercial setting, but I also don’t see myself using these for more than a few short minutes a few times per week a most. For details on exercises to perform I would take a look at bodytribe on Youtube.

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